Dayton Probation Violation Lawyer

Are you facing a probation violation in Dayton, OH? If so, you need an aggressive Dayton probation violation lawyer in your corner. Whether you are on probation in connection with a DUI charge, assault, or a drug offense, a violation of the terms of your probation could turn your life upside down.

That’s why Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers should be your first call if you’ve been arrested or reported for a probation violation. Our legal team has more than 100 years of collective criminal law experience. Not only that – when you hire our Dayton, Ohio law firm, you’ll have a former prosecutor and a former police officer on your side.

We’ve helped countless people accused of criminal offenses navigate the probation system. If you’re up against a probation violation, don’t wait — contact us today for a free consultation at (937) 531-0435.

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help After a Probation Violation

How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help After a Probation Violation

If you’re on probation instead of in jail, you want to keep it that way. Even though probation is incredibly restrictive, it keeps you out of jail so you can still work and be with your family. Don’t take a violation lightly – get an aggressive defense started as soon as possible.

Our Dayton criminal defense lawyers can help by:

  • Investigating the allegations that you violated your probation
  • Interview witnesses who have information about the alleged violation
  • Collect evidence that you were mistakenly accused of a probation violation
  • Represent you at a revocation hearing to get the violation dismissed or fight to minimize the penalties for a violation

We know the criminal justice system inside and out. We’ll always do everything we can to keep your penalties to a minimum. If your probation is in danger of being revoked, call today to let our top-rated, trusted legal team fight for you. 

Your initial consultation is completely free; call now or contact us online to set up an appointment today.

What Is Probation in Dayton?

Probation — also often called Community Control in Ohio — is a set of conditions assigned to you by a judge when you are sentenced for a crime. Usually, probation is imposed instead of a jail sentence.

Depending on the underlying criminal charge(s), probation can include:

  • Regular meetings with your assigned probation officer (PO)
  • Assignment to a residential treatment facility
  • House arrest, with a requirement to wear an electronic monitor
  • Alcohol monitoring or random drug testing
  • Community service
  • Participation in a drug treatment program
  • Fines 
  • Curfews
  • Inability to leave the state without permission of the court or your PO
  • Restrictions on weapons ownership
  • Restitution

While probation can still impose serious restrictions on your freedom, it’s often a way to avoid spending time in jail. (However, in some cases, such as in some third or fourth-degree felony OVI convictions, you may be given probation after time served in jail.)

What Are the Penalties for a Probation Violation in Ohio?

Violating your probation can have serious consequences. You can be arrested without a warrant in many cases if police have reasonable suspicion you have violated certain terms of your probation.

If you violate your probation, you could face:

  • Longer jail time under probation restrictions
  • More restrictive probation terms (including jail or prison time)
  • Revocation of your probation entirely

If you violate the terms of your probation, there will be a hearing for you to explain to the judge what happened. If your revocation is revoked, that means you could be subject to the punishment that was on the table from the original charges. 

This is where you’ll want to have our experienced Dayton Criminal Defense attorneys standing up for you.

What Are Defenses to a Probation Violation?

If you’re picked up for violating your probation, don’t panic. While the penalties can be severe, there are different ways to fight a violation to minimize the consequences. 

Potential defenses include:

  • Mistaken identity
  • You did not intend to commit a violation, such as an honest mistake in the date or time to meet with your PO
  • Your rights were violated by the police or your PO
  • The violation was not a substantial violation of the terms of your probation
  • The violation was not under your control

The standard to find you in violation of your probation is lower than the “beyond the reasonable doubt” standard needed to convict for criminal charges. It’s important to fight a violation just as aggressively as you would the original criminal offense. 

Call Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers for a Free Consultation Today

If you’ve been arrested or reported for a probation violation in Dayton, Ohio, call Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers for help. You need a strong advocate on your side who can show the judge that you don’t deserve to go to jail.

Your future depends on an aggressive defense — so call an award-winning Dayton probation violation lawyer at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers for immediate assistance.

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Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers
130 W 2nd St #310
Dayton, OH 45402

(937) 531-0435

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