DUI Penalties

Is a DUI a Felony?

In Ohio, it is illegal to operate any motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you’re stopped while driving drunk, you can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI). DUI, which is also known as Operating a Vehicle Impaired (OVI), is a serious crime that can potentially affect you for… read more

What are the Consequences of a Second OVI in Ohio?

The state of Ohio takes operation of a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol very seriously. Being charged and convicted of a single OVI can have devastating consequences. Unfortunately, many people make the same mistake twice. As with many other criminal charges, the penalties for a second charge can be much more severe…. read more

The Interstate Driver’s License Compact

Did you know that your driving record in one state is being shared with officials in most other states? The Interstate Driver’s License Compact (IDLC) is an agreement between 45 states and the District of Columbia to share and exchange information regarding your driving record and driving violations. In essence, a driver has only one… read more

Dollars And Sense Of DUI

A DUI will cost you.  Initially it costs you your dignity when you are arrested.  It can cost you your good name.  It will cost you your freedom to drive where and when you want.  It will cost you your privilege to drive.  It will cost you money in the form of missed time at… read more

Boating OVI In Dayton

If you plan to go out on the water this summer be aware of the risks of a boating OVI in Dayton, Ohio.  The legal limit is .08.  However, you can also be charged and convicted even if you refuse the test.  If convicted, you will be sentenced to 3-180 days in jail and from… read more

Even Small Victories In DUI Cases Can Yield The Best Results

I had a big victory on a small part of a case today involving a DUI in Fairfield Municipal Court in Butler County, Ohio.  The Case involved a third offense in 6 years DUI / OVI and a Driving Under OVI Suspension. As a lawyer I am always trying to find the best defenses to… read more

First Offense OVI Suspension

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  Currently I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school.  This blog is written by me to help potential clients in the Dayton area that have been charged with an OVI…. read more

Best Ways To Avoid A Dayton OVI Conviction

This blog is authored by Robert Healey, a Lawyer that limits his practice to DUI & OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  He is an associate at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers, and currently manages the DUI Office in Dayton, Ohio, where he attended law school. The best way to find legal defenses for a… read more

Getting Your License Back

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  Currently I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school.  This blog is written by me to help potential clients in the Dayton area that have been charged with an OVI…. read more