General DUI Q & A

How Long Does Alcohol Stay On Your Breath?

According to a 2015 news report, more Ohio drivers are refusing to take breathalyzer tests when pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. The penalty for refusing a breathalyzer test in Ohio is a year suspension of your driver’s license. But, the alternative may be to provide evidence against yourself in a DUI case.  The… read more

Do You Need A Lawyer For A Fairborn DUI?

If you have a DUI or OVI charge in Fairborn you will want to hire a lawyer.  A lawyer can help you with negotiating a reduction of the charge. If you are not eligible for a reduction a lawyer can fight the case.  Sometimes fighting can reveal defects in the prosecutor’s case that can develop… read more

Want To Be Found Not Guilty Of DUI?

The best way to be found not guilty of an OVI is to fight the case.  The best way to fight an OVI is to hire an attorney that limits his practice to that area in Dayton, Ohio. You will need an OVI attorney that has enough training and experience to know when to fight. … read more

Experienced Dayton OVI Lawyers

 Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers has three lawyers licensed in Ohio that can work on your OVI 4511.19 case in in the greater Dayton area.  Together we have almost 20 years of the best experience available. One of our attorneys is a former police officer and another is a former prosecutor.  This… read more

Dayton DUI / OVI Attorney

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to DUI and OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  Ohio’s DUI law is codified in O.R.C. section 4511.19.  Currently, I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school.  This blog is written by me to help potential clients… read more

Wonder Why You Were Charged With DUI / OVI In Violation Of Ohio Rev. Code 4511.19 When You Tested Under The Limit Or Refused?

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to OVI defense in southwest Ohio. Currently I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school. This blog is written by me to help potential clients in the Dayton area that have been charged with an OVI…. read more

The Police Didn’t Read Me My Rights!

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  Currently I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school.  This blog is written by me to help potential clients in the Dayton area that have been charged with an OVI…. read more

Do Not Just Pay That Marijuana Ticket!

My name is Robert Healey and I am a lawyer that limits his practice to OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  Currently I manage the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where I attended law school.  I write this blog to better inform people in the Dayton area that have been charged with an OVI. Sometimes people… read more

Field Sobriety Test Criteria

This blog is authored by Robert Healey, a lawyer that limits his practice to DUI & OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  He is an associate at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers, and currently manages the DUI office in Dayton, Ohio, where he attended law school. When the police pulled you over they… read more

Best Ways To Avoid A Dayton OVI Conviction

This blog is authored by Robert Healey, a Lawyer that limits his practice to DUI & OVI defense in southwest Ohio.  He is an associate at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers, and currently manages the DUI Office in Dayton, Ohio, where he attended law school. The best way to find legal defenses for a… read more